Speak up, Connect and Transform your relationship.

Create a place where you can feel seen, heard and understood by your partner.  

Feel a deep sense of trust, safety, support and teamwork because relationships should feel like a Safe Haven, not a Battleground.

Do you ever feel afraid to speak up in your relationship? 

Maybe you're not feeling supported?

Maybe your partner did something that hurt your feelings?

Maybe you've spoken up in the past and it blew up in your face?

Or maybe there's something inside of you yearning to be shared?

But for some reason voicing your feelings feels so hard.
Yes! That's me!

Do you find yourself feeling not seen, heard or understood by your partner...

So you just stay silent because it doesn't feel safe to...

-Express your true feelings.

-Share your thoughts, needs and desires.  

-Have difficult conversations because you're afraid of conflict. 

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And the truth is staying silent costs too damn much in the long run...

  • It costs your happiness. 
  • It costs your needs being met.
  • And most importantly, it costs you the opportunity to create real, meaningful connection.  

By avoiding the temporary discomfort that comes with having honest, vulnerable conversations...

You’re robbing yourself of the deep soulful connection and the incredible breakthroughs we’re able to have with our partners when we allow ourselves to be truly seen and heard.

If you want MAGIC & CONNECTION in your relationship, it requires OPEN & HONEST COMMUNICATION with your partner. 

Trust me, I get it...

I was once exactly where you are.  

I deeply desired having a safe space where I could speak up and feel connected.  But I didn't know how.  My messy, past attempts at expressing myself left me scared of the possible negative outcomes.   

But I learned how to speak up.  I realized that deep connection I was desiring was on the other side of the hard conversations. 

and now... I am on a mission to help others just like you!


I feel this.
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Instant Access to Pre-Recorded Trainings...

You’ll explore new aspects of yourself including your desires, patterns and attachment style, how they impact your relationships and how to create a different result.  Short - easy to digest recordings are available as soon as you join.  Each training comes with a workbook that you can use to gain clarity and practice. 

Three 60-Minute Live Group Coaching Calls per Month...

We’ll come together via Zoom to dive deeper into the course materials, support one another’s journeys, and answer any questions that come up for you.  

Access to Private Facebook Group...

Join a community of like-minded people where you can share daily experiences, ask questions & get additional support from Amber.

Ohhhhh my friend... Relationships get to feel GOOOOD. You can have a relationship that is filled with laughter, appreciation and gratitude.

A relationship where conflict isn't the end of the world.  It's actually just a healthy sign that you both value the relationship and want to make it work.  

You communicate.  You create.  You stay.   

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When I met my partner Sean over 6 years ago, I was a mess. My heart was closed off and I was terrified of getting my heart broken again. So when he asked for my number, I said no. Luckily for me, he’s incredibly patient and persistent!

The beginning of our relationship also marked the beginning of my own journey of unlearning and shedding layers of protection that I’d built up over the years, growing up in a dysfunctional home and navigating numerous equally dysfunctional relationships.

As I evolved into a truer expression of who I am, he supported me through it all — and together, we’ve created a space where we can share, talk, cry, laugh and most importantly, that’s SAFE. Safe to be our messy, baby giraffe-legged selves.

Don’t get me wrong: It hasn’t been easy. It takes work, commitment, willingness to be wrong and above all grace, compassion and love for ourselves and each other. And I believe with all of my heart that this is possible for you too.

I have learned so much about myself, about life and about relationships through my experiences… and I can’t wait to share it all with you.

Love, Amber

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THE TIME IS NOW...Like right now!

How different would your relationship feel if you felt safe to communicate your needs and feel supported by your partner?

Take a minute and picture this with me...

  • You no longer feel like you have to walk on eggshells and self-sacrifice in order to avoid conflict....
  • You are able to create deeper levels of soulful & meaningful connection with your love regardless of how busy the outside world is.  
  • No longer feeling resentful in your partnership because you un-stuck yourself from old patterns and habits of over giving & not speaking up for yourself.
  • You are sitting, cuddled up on the couch feeling such a deep sense of gratitude for each other & the sense of security that comes from working together as a team.

How would you like to start feeling that way NOW without...

  • Spending countless hours researching how to get your partner to listen or pay attention to you.  (I've done that for you.  Super problem solver & researcher over here. LOL)
  • Wasting money on another relationship self-help book that will just sit on your shelf or worse yet leave you more confused and not taking any action. (I'll give you easy to implement tools that you can do NOW).
  • Feeling like you need to continually over give just to have your partner see, hear and understand you (because you don't need to keep bending over backwards to create a safe and connected relationship). 


Yes, I Need This Now!

Inside The Relationship Remix you'll learn....

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  • Why conflict arises in your relationship & how to move through it with grace and compassion for one another
  • How the attachment style you formed in childhood is impacting your relationship (and how you can change it)


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  • To create a deep sense of safety & security within yourself and your own body, and within your relationship  
  • The importance of expressing your innermost desires to your partner, and how to take responsibility for getting your own needs met  
  • The tools to release the thoughts & habits that are no longer serving you so you can create the kind of relationship you desire with yourself and your partner


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  • CREATE: Explore, Experiment and Expand
  • COMMUNICATION: Say the thing
  • CONFLICT: Resolve that sh*t
  • CONNECT: Zing! 

Relationships can be challenging but that doesn't mean you have to feel frustrated, disappointed, angry, bitter, alone or overwhelmed.

Inside The Relationship Remix we make learning, expanding and growing FUN. 

It is a safe space where you can be vulnerable and feel supported.  

Sign me up!

Claim your spot now and here's why....

I am deeply committed to giving you the support and attention that is necessary to create real, lasting change in your relationship. 

There are only 10 spots available.  Once those are filled up, doors will close until we open it up for enrollment again. 

So grab your spot NOW! (Seriously - what are you waiting for?)

PS.  I am very much aware that people buy when the time is right.  And sometimes there are more questions that you'd like answered.  Please send me a DM or click the link [HERE] to set up a free call because I wanna make sure that you have all the information you need to make the best choice for you.

Hell yes! I'm in!

Your results MATTER to me, so I've included everything you'll need to feel seen, heard and understood by your partner.



Explore, Experiment & Expand

You are the master magician, mad scientist and deep sea diving explorer.  (Okay - maybe you don't feel that way yet but you will)

In our first module we will be diving deeply into why TF we do the things we do in relationships, understanding ourselves on a deeper level and then creating change from an AWARE space and not a DESPERATE space.  

You'll learn how to explore, experiment and expand in your relationship.  

Let's get creative and make it fun again. 



Say the thing.

Did you learn how to effectively communicate when you were growing up?  I certainly didn't.  In fact, I'd say that if you've been called to read this far down you are very much on the same page that I was - randomly going through life not knowing how to speak TF up for myself, my wants, my needs, sharing my experiences and feelings.  Ooof - That was a hard pass.  

We weren't all blessed to be born magically knowing how to function in a healthy relationship.  Some of us had great role models and some of us had shit role models and yet regardless of which side of the coin you fall on, you find yourself here - unable to find the better parts of communicating and connecting in our relationships.

So, we're gonna change that by learning how to have difficult conversations, listen with empathy and repairing after miscommunication happens (because it will).



Resolve that sh*t!

Raise your hand if you have gone through life avoiding conflict at all costs (I know I'm not the only one raising my hand here).

For me - conflict meant that something was wrong either with me as a human being or with the relationship.

Now, I understand that conflict (or someone bringing a concern, a request or an issue to me) really is the greatest gift.  

So, let's learn to navigate conflict without our nervous systems going into full on fight, flight or freeze mode and learn how to reconnect and repair as needed (because it IS needed).  




Connection is SO much more than just a physical experience.

There is trust, empathy, shared experiences, love, growth and supportive environment.

And let's not forget the connection to YOURSELF.  

Don't get lost in your relationship.  

Let's learn how to create connection (especially in the moments where we may feel disconnected.  'Cause guess what...disconnection will happen to).

Go from Disconnected and Silent to feeling Wildly Supported, Connected and Loved so that you can be Seen, Heard and Understood by your Partner.


Join Today and get  INSTANT ACCESS!

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Today's Price = $1497


Instant Access to Pre-Recorded Trainings...

You’ll explore new aspects of yourself including your desires, patterns and attachment style, how they impact your relationships and how to create a different result.  Short - easy to digest recordings are available as soon as you join.  Each training comes with a workbook that you can use to gain clarity and practice. 

Three 60-Minute Live Group Coaching Calls per Month...

We’ll come together via Zoom to dive deeper into the course materials, support one another’s journeys, and answer any questions that come up for you.  

Access to Private Facebook Group...

Join a community of like-minded people where you can share daily experiences, ask questions & get additional support from Amber.



*Lifetime Access



*Lifetime Access

Transformation Is Possible...

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"I have insight and language to use that I didn't have before.

I am so blessed to have Amber as my guide on my path to healing and recovery.  She has been very instrumental in me having many breakthroughs, so much so that my two most important relationships are all improving drastically. 

She's helped me find insight and language to use in many circumstances that I didn't have before.  I look forward to the additional moments of enlightenment our time together brings."

"I came out of every meeting a better version of my true self because of her.

The real-time tools, ability to hold space and celebrate even the tiniest wins, made me feel like the most important person to her, because she sees YOU through all of it.

Just trust the alignment will speak louder than anything you can try to manipulate as you lean in... I am so grateful you are here."

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You DEEPLY desire to have a satisfying and connected relationship with your partner, right?

I don't want you to continue trying to figure it all out on your own.  Let me give you the shortcuts.  

Putting this off is really only denying yourself of what you want and need (and that is just not the vibe we wanna carry with our partner). 

Delaying efforts to improve your relationship is going to created missed opportunities for growth, intimacy and happiness TOGETHER.  

I need this now!

What the FAQ

You're ready for The Relationship Remix if...

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"I left feeling so much lighter and better equipped to talk my mind down and was able to shift my focus.

I am so incredibly grateful for the gift of having Amber in my life and one of my tools in my spiritual and mental health toolbox. I have gone to her many times for advice, a different perspective, to help me dig deeper into myself and dig for answers that are already inside of me or even at times, literally to just be a person to just listen to me talk out loud and pay witness to my experience that I'm having and feel her support and love around me. 

The other morning, I woke up with a sense of anxiety and a deep feeling of being overwhelmed by a recent situation I was working through. Old habits and tendencies were coming up and I knew they were but didn't know how to process them. 

Amber has the ability to show up in different ways for me based on what I'm needing, which is such a gift.   Having someone like her in my life has been a gift and the work she is doing is definitely amazing."

"Now I am filling up my cup first so I can actually share my love authentically with others.

Amber has been such a bright shining light in my life for the last four weeks.  She taught me that to sit with something and move through it is how you heal. 

She has taught me to make and hold boundaries with everyone in my life. Those people have not always been happy, but it has put my mind so much at ease and made me comfortable to finally stand strong in my power.

I was always trying to please everyone around me and not putting myself first.  I literally feel like a completely different person in just four weeks. If you want some magic and light in your life, she is your girl."

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"I truly have seen such a wonderful transformation in myself through this process.

I am so thankful for this experience.  Thank you for cultivating such a safe and loving environment for me to be vulnerable and feel so supported!

I hope you are encouraged and know the work that you are doing for others really is changing lives, and I am a testament to that!"

Join Today and get INSTANT ACCESS!

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Today's Price = $1497


Instant Access to Pre-Recorded Trainings...

You’ll explore new aspects of yourself including your desires, patterns and attachment style, how they impact your relationships and how to create a different result.  Short - easy to digest recordings are available as soon as you join.  Each training comes with a workbook that you can use to gain clarity and practice. 

Three 60-Minute Live Group Coaching Calls per Month...

We’ll come together via Zoom to dive deeper into the course materials, support one another’s journeys, and answer any questions that come up for you.  

Access to Private Facebook Group...

Join a community of like-minded people where you can share daily experiences, ask questions & get additional support from Amber.



*Lifetime Access



*Lifetime Access

I see you. 

I hear you. 

I love you.  

See you inside The Relationship Remix!

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